Support us, so that we can continue doing free and pro-people journalism… The crisis of free and pro-people journalism is continuously deepening. This is a serious and dangerous situation for India’s democracy. Corporate and power institutions are becoming stronger. Questions of public concern have disappeared and the effect of sponsored or paid or fake news has deepened. Due to increasing dependence on corporates, science providers and governments, the autonomy of the media has ended. Deshpatra is doing journalism of concern with full autonomy in this challenging time. But for this active participation and co-operation of you Sudhi readers is necessary. We have kept alive the values of journalism in the last year and a half without coming under pressure. It is my hope that you will help us in this experiment of journalism. You can contribute a minimum of Rs 10 and a maximum of Rs 5000. We promise that we will prove to be true to your trust and will keep the public interest of journalism high in this era of pressures.

निडर और निष्पक्ष पत्रकारिता को मज़बूती प्रदान करें: